Mistress Bride (Society Weddings) (Harlequin Presents)

The Mistress Bride - Michelle Reid Heroine from well-known British family fears that her 2-yr affair with Sheikh's son will end when she makes her confession. And their love for each other gets tested to the hilt against their social/cultural duty.

This Reid book was a surprising hit! Her writing is emotionally involving. With this book, I could feel the tension between main characters' love for each other & duty to family/country. I couldn't put the book down! Both Hero & heroine were strong & behaved with integrity, despite the fact that they've been having an affair for 2 years. The heroine was far from being a doormat. She was actually psychologically & emotionally stronger than the hero. She was brought up in a high-class British social structure that demanded certain behaviors, especially as a woman. She defied it with her public affair with the hero. She had a good idea of the big cost of keeping her pregnancy & being a single mother from an infamous affair & yet she chose that route. Hero's love for her proved to be strong esp towards the end. The romance & dialogue were good. Sexual chemistry & love scenes were passionate.

Highly recommended.