REVIEW: This Time by Marie Hall

23y.o editor doesn't know what to do now that she finds herself pregnant from her 1-night-stand with 26y.o tattoo artist and drummer Hero.

She's been involved in the ongoing crisis of her ex-boyfriend life the last 5 years. Having a baby is the last thing she needed. Hero's presence and support in her life, however, changes her perspective on things. As her life progresses, she struggles with guilt over her ex. How long will Hero wait for her to completely move on with him? What kind of relationship can she have with her ex and his family?


This book was ok. The romance was good and Hero was perfect in his devotion, love, and openness with heroine. But the book spent a good bit on heroine's travails with her ex-boyfriend and her enmeshment with his family. I liked seeing heroine's transition from being tangled and stuck with her ex and his family to moving on to a life of her own with Hero and their child. I didn't like how she basically had to be pried away from her ex to be able to move on from him. Her ex had such a strong hold over her.** It concerned me how she'd choose Hero over him.


If you like love triangles, then this book may appeal to you. Moderately recommended.


**A pictorial review with SPOILERS is on my blog here.
*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.