The Wicked Ways of a Duke

I've only rated Guhrke's books either a 4 or 5 star. Unfortunately, this one breaks the record. This book has Guhrke's usual good emotional involvement, sexual tension, sex scenes, & dialogue. But I didn't like some of the writing content & the main characters. Much of the book was devoted to describing how bad & devious Hero was. I definitely got that part & felt some angst about his redemption. Disappointingly, his redemption was rushed & not very convincing at that. I wasn't sure whether his change of heart was a genuine character change or temporary b/c he was desperate when heroine put a stop to his plans. And the solution to his financial problems seemed ridiculous for that time period. Could writing travel books really finance his life enough to pay for some of the huge debts & his daily living expenses? He's never even written one. I didn't care for heroine either. She was more likeable than Hero, with her kindness, independence, & simplicity. But she seemed easily deceived or blind to Hero's faults. She forgave him too easily for all his deceptions & lies. I can envision her making excuses for his bad behavior in their future.
Not a good Guhrke book. Read her Guilty Pleasures (Avon Romantic Treasure) & The Marriage Bed (Avon Romantic Treasure) instead.