Don Joaquin'S Pride (Presents, 2127)

Don Joaquin's Pride (Harlequin Presents, #2127) - Lynne Graham Caretaking heroine goes to Guatemala per her twin sister's urgent request to pretend to be her to her sister's former father-in-law. Heroine is accused of being a gold-digging whore by the father-in-law's former employer Hero. Her twin sister emptied out her father-in-law's retirement savings so he now he has to find another job instead of retiring. As much as she wanted to confess the truth, heroine couldn't tell Hero her real identity b/c she didn't want her sister to be sued by Hero for non-repayment of her debts. Also her sister was getting married again. So heroine tries to negotiate a more manageable repayment plan but Hero stubbornly adheres to his all-or-nothing demand. Even with her frustrations with Hero & complications from her pretense, heroine falls in love with him.

This was a fun read. Graham is such a good romance writer b/c she can combine humour with drama & good sexual chemistry. I liked her portrayal of this imperfect heroine--not too smart, clumsy, naive, codependent, self-accepting, somewhat insightful, & sometimes makes dumb choices. Heroine knew her imperfections & tried to work on them & sometimes not. I was rooting for heroine to wise up & stop caretaking others but she doesn't & Hero still loves her. I would've been annoyed about this but Graham writes her characters & stories so well that I just shrugged it off. I liked that hero & heroine discussed their misconceptions well enough & their HEA(happily ever after) was plausible.
