Seven Nights to Forever

Seven Nights to Forever - Evangeline Collins Young heroine is the highest paid prostitute in a well-known London brothel, where she works 1 week each month for the past 4 years. She meets unhappily married & wealthy Hero as her client one night. Hero finally resolved to find solace for his loneliness & daily humiliation from his wife of 3 yrs who refused to have sex with him & frequently criticizes & shames him for not being an aristocrat like her & her numerous lovers. Hero & heroine instantly connect on an emotional level, which blossoms into a deeper r/s than either of them ever expected. But heroine's financial needs & Hero's marital status impede their desired r/s goals.

Don't let heroine's prostitution & hero's infidelity stop you from reading this book! Collins' excellent writing made these issues minute, making me focus instead on the deep & emotionally-impacting romance b/w two caring, kind, & flawed individuals. The romance was well-developed, unpredictable, & convincing. Hero & heroine were likeable, despite the mistakes & choices they made. I felt like I really knew both of them. Collins' gave an in-depth characterization of both but in a smooth, well-paced way. Sexual chemistry & love scenes were sizzling & not vulgar at all. Their love & emotional intimacy was evident in their sexual interactions. Resolution wasn't far-fetched, although it was unusual for that period.

This book makes me eager to read Collins' other books.

Highly recommended.