Sheikh's Woman (Sons of the Desert)

Sheikh's Woman - Alexandra Sellers Artist wakes up at a hospital not remembering how she got there, Hero who claims to be her husband, & the newborn baby she recently gave birth to. Sheikh Hero takes her & the baby to his island home & determines to find out what heroine really knows about the night she got injured. It is then that she realizes that he lied & is keeping her captive until he finds his missing sister. His plans however gets waylaid by their mutual attraction to each other. Will finding his missing sister means the end of their r/s?

This was an amnesia romance with a twist. But the amnesia part was relatively short so most of the book was centered on Hero’s search for his missing sister & his complicated romance with heroine. The characters were only so-so for me. Heroine at times acted like a strong woman, confronting Hero’s deceptions & lies. At other times, she was weak-willed & acted like an airhead. Hero lied & manipulated for his sister’s sake and he wasn’t sorry for it. He seemed indifferent to heroine at times, which made me wonder about his feelings for her. We do find out late in the book that his indifference was masking his growing passion for her. I’m still not sure whether heroine fully regained all her memory from her amnesia. It was pushed aside to make way for Hero’s search for his sister & the romance. Emotionality of book was only so-so.

Partially recommended.