A Reckless Attraction

A Reckless Attraction - Kay Thorpe Heroine goes to Norway for 2 weeks to attempt to reconcile her family to its estranged Norwegian family. She meets aloof Norwegian Hero on a ferry & kisses him, only to discover that he is her cousin. Hero is attracted to heroine but acts guardedly towards her. She reminds him of his last GF who cheated on him with his cousin. So heroine has an uphill battle in winning Hero's heart & reconciling their family's together.

Aside from some enlightening info about Norway, I didn't enjoy anything else in this Thorpe book. Pacing, dialogue, sexual chemistry, & sex scenes were tepid. I didn't care for the romance at all. Heroine did the chasing & Hero often stonewalled her. It was clear that heroine was much more into Hero than vice versa. I think the main reasons Hero became interested in heroine was b/c she looked alike like his ex-GF & she made herself very available to him. I never thought Hero fell in love with heroine, even at the end. He settled for her b/c of pressures from his family. I wasn't that convinced that heroine was in love with Hero. She never got to know him b/c he was so closed-off to her. He only revealed surface info to her but never his heart (except for his love declaration at the end which I didn't believe). Even when they had sex, Hero would leave right after they got done & returned to treating her indifferently again. I was annoyed at how heroine debased herself by letting this man treat her like this.

I'd only recommend this book for its info about Norway.