A Reckless Attraction

Aside from some enlightening info about Norway, I didn't enjoy anything else in this Thorpe book. Pacing, dialogue, sexual chemistry, & sex scenes were tepid. I didn't care for the romance at all. Heroine did the chasing & Hero often stonewalled her. It was clear that heroine was much more into Hero than vice versa. I think the main reasons Hero became interested in heroine was b/c she looked alike like his ex-GF & she made herself very available to him. I never thought Hero fell in love with heroine, even at the end. He settled for her b/c of pressures from his family. I wasn't that convinced that heroine was in love with Hero. She never got to know him b/c he was so closed-off to her. He only revealed surface info to her but never his heart (except for his love declaration at the end which I didn't believe). Even when they had sex, Hero would leave right after they got done & returned to treating her indifferently again. I was annoyed at how heroine debased herself by letting this man treat her like this.
I'd only recommend this book for its info about Norway.